Sunday, July 03, 2005

"Someone set us the bomb."

I didn't go out yesterday although I wanted to. I pretty much got destroyed Friday night, and was left for dead. Worst thing was to wake up Saturday to go to work... So against my wishes, I decided to stay home and sleep in early.

On the flip side, I will manage to go to church today. Some other members thought I had quit due to my absence for over a month. It's is not that I quit or I don't want to go for the service, it's just that I ran into a string of unexpected events that prevented my from going to church. Ok, some were because I was just too tired to from Saturday nights to go to church service on Sunday morning.

I got in late to work again, actually this is stupid, I hate to keep repeating the word "again". Ok from now, when I say "I got to work", it means I got to it late, because I always get there late. No exceptions. I truly, believe that I should have been fired right now, and probably will sometime. But that sometime has been dragging for about a year? Let's go for the statistics, shall we?

For the last 3 months, I've been 4 hours late about 15 times.
For the last 3 months, I've only showed up to work on time twice.
For the last 3 months, I've been taking 1 hour lunch instead of the crappy 30 minutess they allow us to.
For the last 3 months, I took 6 naps at work.

That is what happens when you are not happy with the job. I remember when I worked off the clock, even on my days off, but there were just no motivation to keep doing that. The company just don't give a damn if you really put any effort to it. And as you see, they really don't give a damn if I'm slacking. Maybe it's just me, because I've seen other getting the whipcrack from the boss before. Me? Only once. And that was because the regional boss caught me surfing the web. I go dressed the way I feel like, and not once I got crap about it. I even wear jeans pants sometimes, when I'm supposed to be wearing at least slacks. Or sneakers when I'm supposed to be wearing dress shoes.

It's funny when the boss gives a rough up to other co-worker to button up the shirt and I waltz by them totally casual, with jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt. Some even ask how I managed to do that, and I just tell them "Because I'm cool like that". hahaha.

I even saw the boss crack his whip about smoking to a co-worker when I was actually smoking a cigarette with him. The whip cracking was directed only to the co-worker, and not me, although I was there smoking too. Oh yeah, I was wearing jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt. HAHA.

The little photo was taken by my ex co-worker cell phone, a long ago. It was back when Steve-O was still my boss. My my ex-boss and a co-worker were talking something regarding work, then comes along Abhilash, an ex-coworker of mine, drops the bomb and leaves. All three of us are covering our nose with our shirts. I swear that guy eats dead rats hindi curry. My boss would always yell at him about his habit of eating dead rats and I would yell about his habbit of hindi curry.

Well gym and church.

Behave kids.

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