Saturday, July 02, 2005

I'm officially DEAF, and RETARD.

It just sucks that when you get to work you are told that you have to work extended hours, until midnight. What the hell, I have plans you know? I'm not married to my job. Ok I pretend I'm not, but c'mom. So I leave work at 12:15AM. Karthik was already out getting hammered as early as 6PM. So I go home take a quick shower and dress up, to meet up with Karthik. I told my co-worker that I would take him to Chinatown, you know for the NYC bus, Chinatown Express. I get lost, so I only meet up with Karthik at 1AM in the morning.

A friend of Karthink, AV comes along. These guys are so wasted that they cannot hold my glass of liquor. It is too much to ask? To hold my drink until we reach the destination so I can drink more comfortably and not while driving? I guess it was too much motor/mind coordination for Karthik. He tossed my drink out of the window....

I'm not going to mention anything because what happens in VEGAS STAY in VEGAS. hahaha. I should say DC? No, I did not hook up with that blond which was taller than me. Why? Because my heart was set on someone. Oh yeah Carlos showed out of the blue at Dragonfly and immediately became the Tedesco he is. HAHA. And guys please don't push me to Asian girls, I don't want them. What part of "I don't find asian girls attractive." is too hard to understand? You guys sound like my mother ok? So yeah, what happens in DC stays in DC, I'm just an innocent church boy from Virginia... hahah ok no one is going to believe that, but oh well, it's the truth.

We end up going to Five after it. And I got the best "fuck off" line ever. Like I said I wasn't "hunting" or anything, because, once again my heart is set in someone else. I just like to be flirtatious. Well anyways this woman, tells me she is " too old for me". HAHAHA. Well I know I got the charming boyish looks, but I'm not that young. I'm 27 and turning 28 this year. So I'll be whining about middle age crisis soon. She was probably late 40's.

Once I leave Five, my ass starts to feel funny. What is this? Why does my ass starts to feel funny? Ok the funny feeling subdued, so I didn't give much thought. Later I realized it was the vibration of a phone call. Yes my phone was in my back pocket. There was a message from Lisa. So I call her back. And let me tell you, I'm the biggest retard ever, ok I was drunk, but still. For some reason instead of calling her Lisa, I said Lenisa. Dude, my guts SANK, as in awkwardly trying to downplay the incident. And Karthik was not much of a help. He is like "dude you lost all point on smoothness." Of course I immediately apologized. Ealier today I confused Lisa's message with Lenisa's, and later I call Lisa, Lenisa. Ok Lisa can beat the shit out of me, and I'll take it, because I deserve it. Ok at least I get 1 point for calling the right person this time! Right?

But seriously, sometimes, when you are a deaf retard, you might swap names, I mean c'mom Lisa and Lenisa are very similar names.

So here I'm at Karthik's unable to sleep, listening to some really awful Hindi pop and writing on my blog.

The damage was a lot more than expected. Wallet wise

Behave kids.

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