Sunday, July 03, 2005


Well I had a quite pleasant evening today, something I haven't done in a while. Dinner. What a concept? Something that I forgot what it was. Dinner usually consists of maybe grabbing a handful of cereal and shove it in my mouth before heading out to meet friends for a night out. When was the last time I had a decent dinner with good company? Must been ages. But it's understandable because my work schedule just kills any dinner plans. No one wants to have dinner too late, like 10:30or 11:00PM.

Also my weekend are composed of trying to fit way too much in a span of couple of hours, since I don't get to do anything on the weekday, I try to cram too much on weekend night. Which translates to showing up late to meet friends, and then getting drunk as soon as possible.

So me and Lisa went to Busara, which I haven't been in a while. A place, I used to go quite often. I couldn't even remember some of the things on the menu, but Lisa was familiar with Thai food, so no problems.

After dinner we went to have some ice cream, the warm weather made it mandatory, I guess. After walking down Wisconsin , we sat down and talked for a while eating ice cream. A drunk guy kind of annoyed at first, but he left us alone when I started to give him my evil look. hahah

Anyways, I hope to do it again soon.

Going to listen to some Vivaldi and then gym. I need to lose the calories from the ice cream! hahah

Behave kids.

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