Friday, July 01, 2005

I'm officially deaf.

So I had somewhat my weekend planned out. But like anything in life, it never goes according to the plan.

Today, I won't be able to go out( I think), I'm going have work till midnight. Carlos will be going to meet up with Alfredo, since it's his last night in DC. Though he said they are not hitting clubs or anything, so even if I did go out, it would be too late to meet them. Lenisa has her friend over for the weekend so she told me she will be out of the picture for the whole weekend. Lisa left a message today, and like I said I'm DEAF. The message started with " Hi, this is (insert name here).". Now because I'm deaf, I thought I heard Lenisa instead of Lisa. So I called Lenisa. Not only is embarassing but now I look dumb...

I'm going to call Karthik later on to check if he is up for something later.

Behave kids.

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