Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Morning light comes through the shades and I'm still awake. Sometimes I wonder if I just got too many things going on my mind or if I suffer some kind of sleep disorder. I barely slept yesterday before heading to work, and had a stressfull day, and yet, here I am unable to sleep. Well it's not like I have to work today since it's my day off, but I have still have stuff to do. I just can't miss last dinner with Alan today.

The whole night was basically working on my photo site, trying out php and other geek stuff. Or checking news. News are very boring lately, it always about some bombing in Iraq or showdown between Palestinians and Israeli, or the screw ups by Dubya. Yes I know, if you type "failure" at Google, the first result will be Dubya's biography from the White House website.

I think I haven't mentioned before but Google has a video upload tool. You can upload your own video on their servers. And they also released their own video search, where using a video viewer from Google you can see streamed video right of the search page. Oh yeah, Blogger added photo upload feature. You get 300 megs. However I rather still use Hello for full photos and use Blogger pictures just to add that little photo I added at the start. Kind of give a more graphical look for your post, instead of bland text. Plus text automatically wraps around.

Behave kids.

1 comment:

Ericita said...

I've been having problems sleeping, too but sometimes when you are too tired, you can be too tired to sleep. Sounds weird but it's true.
I often drink some hot camomile tea or warm milk when I can't sleep. It's supposed to make you relax. Hope this helps!

Really cool photo website, by the way!