Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Ethan's Photography

Woah. What was up today? 83 hits on my blog today and 53 being unique hits. The day before was 78 hits and 46 were unique.

Anyways I'm satisfied with Ethan's Photography page.
I think I fixed the overlapping index photos with the actual photos by resizing both index and main photos. Since average screen resolution is 1024x768, I resized the main photos to 800x600, this should also alleviate people with slower connections.

Dana suggested making a separate a second index scroll. Which I was planning something similar but for the future. I'm going to make categories but right now I just don't have enough pictures for that. For example, let's say I make a "Landscape" category, I would probably have like three photos in there. Making many categories to have only 2-3 photos on each, would look empty, maybe later. Though I appreicate the suggestion babe. :)

And regarding the frames, I think I was reloading the newly resized photos when you were browsing, that is why it still had old size frames and some photos would not load. You need to clear you webrowser cache and then reload the page. After that it should all display fine.

The autoscrolling index slider is because it will autoscroll to the current photo that is being displayed. You can always navigate by just clicking on the main photo itself.

Dana let me know what you want to do and I'll help you.

Well all this work kept my mind off things :)

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