Sunday, June 26, 2005

I need to recollect my thoughts.

It seems that everyone had dinner with someone as a couple tonight. I kind of felt left out. I didn't want to feel like a candlestick for a couple. :P It must be the weather or something.

People are just more lively and chatty with the warm weather. I don't know it could be a shift on the moon's axis causing some kind of influence over us. Yes, gossip's travels really fast these days. Gossip is something that leaves your mouth with a specific meaning, and comes back to your ear with a heavily modified meaning.

I had to call a couple of friends for a possible "bail out" calls tonight. They called back to check in, which I was greateful for, but in the end there was no need.

There are many things going over my mind lately, leaving me with uncertainty on what to do next.

I wish things were easier, but when was life easy? Ok yeah, back in the days... Right. But that life of bon vivant is long gone, and my current problems are more of heart.

Problems aside, things are quite active lately. Basically I've been out every weekend, since when Steve first got here weeks ago. That week was hectic, as we started to go to town begining Wednesday. And since then I've been out every weekend.

I'm guessing this week will be hectic too. Alan is leaving soon, so I'll have dinner with him on Tuesday. Then there is dinner at Lenisa's, which I'm not going. And dinner with Lisa on Sunday. Cannot forget clubbing too! :P

Anyways I'm just going to rest a little bit then hit gym again to recollect my thoughts.

Behave kids.

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