Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Full Moon

Monday was a good day. How is that possible????

Somehow I arrived at work ON TIME! I guess I'm making up for that day I got to work four hours late. But can they fire me? Hell no. HAHAHA.

At first the work was a breeze then I started to get a lot of paper work to do. There was an issue where I had to scour through the file cabinet and try to find a file that was not in any particular order. Let me see, I probably I went over 600 files and still could not find what I was looking for.

But my search was doomed from the begining because we were not even sure the file existed, but it was imperative we had some kind of file on this particular issue... There were a whole lot more files, but well, I'm not going to spend the whole day searching over a "possible" file through maybe over couple thousands of files.

Once again it was a breeze, so I kicked in my USB drive, to surf the net. Other anemities as using MSN Messenger through our company's network was cool too. They still can't block me from using MSN Messenger. hahaha. Our company has this really fancy filters to block installation of MSN Messenger or visit certain websites, yet I have no problems. What a waste of money eh? Sometimes I even load a game to kill time. hehehe

Someone bought pizza for our department, so we all had a communal lunch. Usually the GM would kick our asses for not eating in the break room, but he was ok with it. I guess its the good weather.

Speaking of weather, the weather has been great lately. Sunny, but cool. I hope it stays like this for a while. I hate to show up at work sweating, roll the sleeves on my button down shirts because my car turned into a sauna. hahah.

Then it became quite boring. I kept refreshing my three e-mails accounts in hopes on any new e-mails. But noooo, no one sends me e-mail anymore, except Zeca with some of his funny mass e-mails. However Lenisa logged in on MSN Messenger and killed my tedium.

So we are chatting and of course, I start to get busy again... It's almost as if its fate. But no worries, it was almost time for me to go home. I hate when you start to get more work right about when you are to leave work. I mean, what the hell?

So I tell Lenisa I will continue chatting with her once I get home.

Before leaving my co-worker yells, "Hey we need to hang out sometime, have some drinks." So I reply "Yeah sure.". Only then I realize, wait, he is only 18 years old, what is this thing about drinking? I mean he is a cool kid, but I'm not too sure about buying drinks to underage people...

Clock out, and my other co-worker wanted to have a smoke. So we smoke one cig and have a quick chat. For him, I think its a a preparation/relaxation before a long drive. The guy lives in Culpepper... That is like half way down towards Richmond. But I do enjoy the smoke session. Specially when the weather outside is nice.

Get back home and continue chatting with Lenisa, then we realized we have been talking for too long. I mean she works normal schedule, and it was getting late. So I told her maybe she should sleep. It was a good chatting with her.

So I'm about to put the chicken out from the fridge into the sink to defrost it, and then hit the gym. My brother walks in with his girlfriend. He is like "hurry, the moon outisde is nice, let's take pictures!" Ok one on hand I have a phone talking to Steve, the other one is trying to get dressed ( I wear boxers only when I'm at home). And with my thrid hand I was gathering my camera stuff. So me and my brother go out, he sets up his camera, and I set up my camera on the tripod and take a picture of my building against the full moon. Not the best photo, but I don't think it came out that bad.

Come back up and start to copy some DVDs for Lenisa. Her selection wasn't bad. It was Roman Holiday, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Before Sunset, Love Actually, and two recommendations from me. My Sassy Girl and Ricordati di Mi. My Sassy Girl is a Korean flix, and let me tell you that I usually don't recomend Korean movie, because quite frankly, they SUCK.

I check the chicken, and still a meat popsicle...

I finally hit gym, do 20 minutes of cardio, and 5 sets of 13 on two muscle groups. Not as extensive as Sunday, but hey, I'm son of God too. I need rest too.

I check the chicken, and it still a meat popsicle...

Later I check the chicken again, and it still a meat popsicle...

And again, still a meat popsicle...

Did you know it takes about 5 hours to defrost a couple of pounds of chicken? Yeah I didn't know either, found it out today...

Cleaned the the chicken and put in a bowl to be marinated with teryaky sauce. On the brightside I will actually eat properly for the few following days. I usually munch some cereal straight out of the box because I'm too lazy to prepare the food... Where are the Ramen when you need them???

Behave kids.
PS: Sodo said he will be updating his blog soon with pictures. I asked if it was photos of hot girls and he said no. Sigh... hahaha

Picture of the day.

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