Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Bridge the gap.

My brother woke me up today, and for a second I thought I forgot something I said I would do, but no all he wanted was to go eat out. He had craving for ribs so we had an early lunch and some ribs joint near my place. I'm not going to refuse free lunch :P

But I wasn't feeling to good, I just wanted head home even before we started to eat. However since we were there already and the food was on the table, why not? The ribs were quite decent.

Once we get back home, I head out to CompUSA to see if there were any good deals on cameras. Of course the smaller ones or the big nice ones are too expensive. So I checked a variety to entry level cameras. Some were quite decent even the price. I think the best deal was the Sony Cybershot DSC-S40. Though I still have a list for the others.

I decide to take a nap...

Only to wake up to loud Michael Jackson's greatest hits. I guess my brother wanted to a have a flashback in time. Thriller baby, thriller.

So I checking my e-mails, and I see an e-mail from Dana.

It's of no suprise me and Dana ends up fighthing all the time when she gets here. Something that started like last 2 years. Before we never really fought, we had minor dissagrements over and there. We had good times back then, times that even now, after the distance, I cherish those moments.

I love her and she loves me, that is a great recipe for good friends right? How can it still go so wrong? What is it that changed that is causing this. She says maybe its bad chemistry, but even so, the chemistry was better back then? Then it hits me, Dana is still the same girl, but I changed. And to worse it seems.

Another thing to factor in is the distance. Because we hardly see, I think, when we meet, I want everything to be "perfect", so I end up over reacting, being overzelous, over sensitive, etc... Just on a hightened level. Of course things are not perfect, it never was.

I should be more forgiving, because if I try to tally the amounts of screw ups, I'm on the lead hands down. Not once she got mad at me.

So what is left to do? Mend bridges. Bridge the gap. I broke those down, its up for me to fix it back up.

This is no way to have two friends that loves each other, to be in.

It will take time, but eventually I will cover the lenght.

Behave kids.

Quote of the day:
????: ur friends don't hang out.. they recover from hangovers.

hahaha, so true


Doso said...

Yeah dude, mend the broken brdge.

Dana Maldonado said...

thanks Sungi. I love you very very much.

I will write back an email tomorrow (someone told me you shouldn't write at night, you become too long winded and too emotional . . .)