Sunday, June 19, 2005

Brazil VS DC.

Today I felt motivated about gym, so I hit gym hard. Did 40 minutes of cardio (surprised I can still do it), weight lifting; 5 sets of 13 per 4 muscle groups. I was able to lift almost the same amount I used to lift before falling off the wagon. I'm quite suprised at that too. The total weight is only 10 pounds less, for a total of 130 pounds. Of course after a good work out, feeling all healthy and all, I had to do the obligatory cig smoking. :P

Then I get a call from my father, and basically I got the green light to get a plane tix. He said to choose any day in July. Ok so this mean I can make it like July 1st or like end of July. Going at the begining of July would be the best for me, because well, it's like a paid vacation, so the sooner the better. But there are currently somethings in my mind that is making me want to stay in DC a bit longer...

I know Dana will be coming to DC, but well I don't think she wants to see me anyways. So that is not what is in my mind. We distanced and I think she is fine with it. Or so it seems from her posts.

So I'm going to check the airfares, and make a decision sometime soon...

But for now, I'm going to hit gym again, as I still feel motivated about it.

Track of the day, for gym: Days Go By - Dirty Vegas.

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