Sunday, June 19, 2005

The drunkard.

I need to stop driking heavily on the weekends. For the last two weekends I've been getting wasted and acting stupid. But you know how DC works. When you go out, you end up drinking.

Let's take yesterday as an example.

Alan was supposed to pick me up, but he was at a soccer game, and while talking to him on the phone, he said he downed half bottle of rum... Not good. I make a second call, later on and he is still at the game. Carlos dropped his cell in his own cup of beer supposedly. Alan has no sense of time at that point.

I drive to his place, he tells me to meet at 10PM.

By the time I got to Alan's, Alan, Misha and Carlos were still at the soccer game. So I wait outside the apartment, which was a whopping 30 minutes wait. They park, and these guys are wasted. Carlos is hidding from Alan behind another car. When Alan goes look for his keys inside Carlos car, Carlos use his remote alarm to set the alarm on. Alan is just staring blank, while Carlos is only hidden two cars away. And the alarms keeps on blaring. For the first couple of seconds, me and Misha were laughing, though it got old quick, since the alarm was really loud, plus it was in a residential area at 10:30PM. But no, the alarm kept blaring... Oh did I say these guys were wasted?

Once inside Alan's apartment, these guys are really out of it. They are loud, really loud. Carlos says I need to join them on their level of drunkness. Ok so I chug down a couple of beers. I think I drank all the remaning beers in Alan's fridge. So in a couple of minutes I'm drunk and being loud just like them. Carlos is trying to juggle three tennis ball. He calls himself the juggler, and he even wanted to bet he could, but maybe due to alcohol he just didn't have the coordination to do it. Kind of feels bad of our unruly behavior infront of Lenisa. Carlos and Misha starts throwing tomato at each other, though luckly it didn't burst, or it would have been a mess.

We all head out to Diva. Yes you heard it right, DIVA. hahaha. Freashman year college style. Once we get there we drink more. By the end of the night, I'm totally out of it. Just like the last two weekends, sigh...

Once again I crash at Alan, wake up really late, miss church, and I feel sick.

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