Wednesday, June 15, 2005

New name

Well ok I guess some folks do deserve to know what I'm doing.

Me and Misha went to VA Beach. Misha decided like on the last minute to go. So I drove to VA on the rented convertible car. We left like 11PM and go there like 2AM Sunday morning. We didn't even knew what hotel we would be staying. We started to look for what was available once we got there. I got to get a nice tan while Misha spend some peace time collecting his thoughts. Convertible was a big plus. Driving back, on the sunny freeway with the top down at 80mph.

Steve arrives Tueday, and Wednesday we meet up with Rodrigo and Misha for a couple of drinks at Guapo.

Thursday, the same group meets up for drinks, but after it we end up going to Five....

Friday afternoon Steve leaves to NYC, and after much thought I decided not to go NYC to see Armin van Buuren, because I would have to miss 2 days of work. My coworkers would get really mad if I did. Plus Armin van Buuren would be spinning at FUR on Saturday anyways.

Friday night.
Drop car at Karthik, and get a cab to DC. Hop around, end up at Citron, where we get Misha and Carlos to show up. Too much drinks by then, me and Karthik hit Spank, courtesy of the brazilian bouncer. I don't if the girl was Turkish, or something like that. Then flowers and what not. At least Kathik says she was cute, whew.
We hit Five. Met 5 Brazilian girls. I don't recall how I met them, but Karthink says I was busting out my portuguese. Supposedly they were new in town and wanted to hang out or something. One of the girls gave me her number to call them to hangout and go to Dreams the next day. Karthik was hitting on some like 6 feet blond girl and a black chick. He got a number too.

We leave Five, get a cab back to courthouse. Fuck my car got towed. Crash at Karthik room's couch, and wake up on the living room couch. WTF?

Misha buys a car and comes straight to Karthik's to give me a lift to the towing lot. Pay for the fee and get my car out. Arrive at work 4 hours later. Woohoo.

Check my cell phone, look for Milena(brazilian chick), being the drunken retard, I missed one digit from the number. The phone number is one digit short. I don't know if its the last digit or what.

My coworkers last car meet up, so he asked if I could go, so I went. I was the only one over 20. And the crowd was 99% asian. hahaha. Except my coworker, which was black. Met a girl called Jeenie. Funny thing that there were only 2 girls in the whole event. She is 19 years old and got curfew, sigh. She is a tease too. Well anyways she speaks better korean and japanese than I do. She kept telling how bored she was in korean to me, calling me "Opah". So I kept telling her to sneak out and head to DC with me. hahah. Well fuck then, I said I'm leaving, can't wait her to make her mind forever. She put her phone number on my cell. And said maybe sometime.

Carlos pick me up and we head to Adams Morgan to Karthik's friend house party. The part sucked. Since me and Carlos got in late, Karthik was outside the building smoking pleading us to just head someplace else. Though the sales line for the party was "I asked her if I could invite friends, and she said if they are guys, its fine, because I only called girls." so me and Carlos wanted to check it at least. Didn't stay long. Misha and Lenisa was already there.

I miss Armin van Buuren at FUR.

Me, Misha, Lenisa and Carlos head to Rumba Cafe. Karthik, heads to Adam's Mill to meet up with a friend. I have a misunderstanding with Lenisa, I just had met her, and I thought she had called me a drunkard. While this, Carlos is hooking up with some hot girl from NY on the side. I get in a very bad mood, granted I was drunk but its not cool to be called a drunkard. Anyways later Misha explained that's not what she meant.

Karthis shows up, but I'm tired and somewhat on a bad mood, and I guess Misha and Lenisa was tired too, so Misha drive us back.

Misha has this smirk on his face as if he is really enjoying his new car. Something starts stories about my escapades. Which due to certain readers I cannot make them public. Misha says too much info, but I'm just answering what Lenisa asked. Then this moves to a chat about church. She wanted to go to church, and well its ok, but its mostly korean members on the church I go. But she wants to marry a korean, so well, I guess that doesn't matter. Misha drops her at courthouse, and then drops me at home. On the 395 South he still has the smirk on his face.

Sunday, Misha calls me at 2PM, and I wake up.
Fuck I totally forgot to pick Lenisa for church, and I didn't even call about not showing up. It kind of bad cause she said she would set up the alarm early for 10AM, the previous night. Embarassed I don't call her back.

Take Misha to to an empty parking space to teach him parallel parking. I used my camera tripod and myself and posts. I guess he got some basic ideas and some tips.
We go to eat late lunch, korean food style. He got to eat mulnenmyun. Summer time.
Finally got some courage and called Lenisa to apologize.

My friend from my high school in Brazil, showed up out of the blue, and stayed at my place. Nothing much to do Sunday night, so as soon as Alan got back from NYC, me and my friend Luiz Felipe went to meet him and Misha at some deli near Misha's place.

We did a lot of catching up after we got back. News from friends in Rio. Monday he was leaving to Costa Rica for work.

Steve also arrives from NYC, on Monday afternoon. Steve meets up with Luiz Felipe, since both were staying at my place.

Luiz Felipe got a flight of DCA.

Today me and Steve went to the pool and then the spa. Valuable chill time. The days is so hot not even the pool water is cool.

Gym for weights.

My brother girlfriend cooks us lunch. It was very spicy but very good.

Me and Steve went to some bar to meet with Steve's old roommate also called Alan. He had some catching up to do. The place was a sauna. We had to put ice cubes in the beer.

Back at home I start filling up the citizenship form, since my green card is about to expire anyways.

Top name for 2004 was Aiken
2nd was Ethan.
Aiken sounds gay, so I chose Ethan.

Hit gym for more weights.

Yeah, screw you guys. You know who, if not, then you should know.

PS: I know its horrible, but I'm too lazy to correct grammar right now.


Doso said...

Lol sounds like summertime is there in DC now. I am not sure about your 'well then, screw you guys' thing you got going on there. Summer is just beginning here since the last couple of days. It's very nice. Stay in touch d00d and write.

Emily said...

Apologize If I revealed too much personal info to lenisa on the drive back to your place. Was just trying to defuse the situation with off key humorous talk. if you know what I mean.

Viste said...

good seeing you brother. Come down to Florida sometime this summer, and you too Misha!