Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Daily work routine.

I just found out today, that the company will pay for any certs as long as I pass them. So I'm planning to get as many certs as I can before I ditch this job, with my boss blessing. I'm pretty sure that having many certs will not really affect, but hey, if I pass its free. Each certs are about $200. Only thing is that it would suck if I fail, then the cost of the test will have to come out from my pocket. So I will have to be definitely ready for each certs.

I'm thinking on buying a couple of Photoshop books, and I did find the official Photoshop class book for $20, when the retail value is $43. It's a good deal, the problem is that its for Photoshop CS, and I want for Photoshop CS 2. I don't know if I should wait for the newer version. The changes are not major...

So there is this co-worker that is always buying food for the rest of the department. Not like meals, but small things like, a box of instant bowl noodle, crate of bottle water, box of crackers, and other goodies. So today he gives me a ride to my home, although my apartment is only 4 minutes away walking. When I thank him for the ride, and drop off, he says to take with me the the food in his trunk. I'm like "ok". He pops the trunk, and its has a box of instant bowl noodle, and a box of Cheetos. This is not the first time he asks a coworker to empty his trunk filled with food. Whatever the reason, it is generosity, and I thanked him for that.

So a coworker today asked me if he could go to Brazil with me, and I said sure, as long as he pays for his fare. Though it struck me odd, because what about his wife? He is just gonna leave his wife here and go have fun in Brazil? He said, "My wife is the one that actually gave the idea.". Wow, what a nice wife huh? Though I don't think he will be able to afford the fare. It will be vacation season and all.

Behave kids.

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