Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Someone actually enjoys my photos!

So today I woke up late, and had a good rest. Then me and my brother hit ihop for a quick meal. We watched a couple of DVDs, which were ok.

After watching the DVDs, I go sit down on my computer and there is a new e-mail. So I got a praise today from an old friend, Athenea Bastos. She really liked the photos on my photoblog. That brought me a smile. hehe. I know they I still have a lot to go, but it's encouraging.

Then I began working with Photoshop again. Everyday, I get amazed at what that thing can do. I always find new things that software can do. So today I learned how to do the "lightsaber" effect on items. I'm seriously thinking on buying some "tools" for Photoshop as soon as I recover from the car repair expenses. One of the tools would be a keyboard with Photoshop shortcuts labeled directly on the keys, the other one would be a Wacom tablet.

While checking Orkut, I find out that an old friend's(Mariela) sister(Patricia) has a photolog going. Some of them are really nice. It seems that both her and her boyfriend are doing photography. Here is the link for Patricia Thompson's Fotolog.

There was a surge of about 50 hits to my regular blog from someone in New Jersey. At first I thought it was creepy because this someone was going through all the old post/archives. Then I figured it out it was Marvin. Because she sent a message while I was away yesterday, and I know he lives in New Jersey. What's up Marvin?

I wish Ellie would update her blog, you know its been a while. I know why you are not posting, but well I'm still hoping you do.

I still didn't get a reply from Department of Justice, I wonder why... Maybe because I didn't pass the security clearance? Probably. hahaha.

From tomorrow I decided I will not only hit the gym, but also start a diet my brother has been recommending(We talked about this over lunch). I want to be really fit when I hit Brazil. I really want to work out a tan, because I'm like really pale.

Oh yeah, Guisun's year of Asian discovery as Sodo foretold at the beginning of the year.

Behave kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sung, how's it going, buddy? It's been a while and I hope you're doing well. I'm sorry if I creeped you out but I'm not stalking you or anything. I was chatting with Sodo yesterday and he sent me the link to his blogsite so I decided to check yours out as well. I must say it's pretty damn impressive and I admire your discipline in updating entries regularly; there's no way I could do it. Anyway, take it easy and hope to talk to you soon.