Saturday, May 14, 2005

Car repaired, but more car expenses?

So the car repair was $1240, though I still have to do emmission, pay 6 more months of car insurance and registration renewal. Expense and more expenses.

Bought 2 books on Photoshop, I think there is a lot to learn there. Specially some advances stuff using layers. What sets Photoshop apart from other software is the layer feature. Although I know how to do the basuc layer stuff. I want to be able to use the advanced layer features.

My ex coworker dropped by last night at work, he told me how he loved his new job, and I'm glad for him, because I might join him to sometime soon. Anything is better than my current job.

Anyways I'm posting from work, so I'll update more from home.

Behave kids.
PS: Ellie, it was good to see you online.

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