Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The church.

I have been quite busy lately thus the reason I didn't post for a couple of days. As you all know, once I get back home from work I'm pretty much dead. And on Sunday, I go attend my commitment to the church. Yes wow, who would have ever thought that I, would ever attend Sunday service.

I still got no reply from DoJ, and at this point I don't expect anymore. It's been too long of a wait so, I guess it didn't go through.

There are somethings that are quite unfortunate, like my ex-coworker. So he recently got a decent job, its working hard to pay his way through college, but now he is have visa issues... Supposedly the company that was sponsoring his father was not paying tax, and now that his work permit is about to expire, he can't renew and got declined for permanent. Right now he is thinking about his options.

I haven't been working on photos lately because, not only due to lack of free time, but also I'm running out of good photos to work on. Though, my co-worker will hand me all his wedding photos to work on. It will be a good practice. I guess it would be my first "professional" photo editing work. Of course I'm doing it for free. hehe.

Well behave kids.

PS: Hey Ellie I'm still waiting for the e-mail, no hurries though, just a reminder :)

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