Saturday, April 30, 2005


So I got the word from Misha that I got my tax refund of $1170, which I will be using to get the car repaired. I guess I'll use a bit to go out tonight, it's been a while last I went out, and clubbing is well overdue. No I'm not gonna blow it all. heh.

So my mother is really insistent of me moving back to Brazil, and the way my brother told me, it seems like she is trying to make me fly there and then take away the return ticket. I'm pretty sure that is not the case but I guess it's that bad.

Working is turning out to be stressful today. But I'm just thinking about good thoughts. After work maybe I will enjoy the night out. Oh yeah, the net admin at work got smart and blocked the proxy server, but I will find a way around it, soon.

Computer at home is dead, or semi, as I formatted and reinstalled Windows, is plain vanilla, bare.

Some nice stuff happened over the week, though I will post about it some other time, as I'm at work and busy.

Behave kids.

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