Monday, May 02, 2005

"I'm the king of me."

a)not requiring or relying on something else.
b)not looking to others for one's opinions or for guidance in conduct.

Just like they think it is time for me to walk my own path independently, why they keep insisting on telling me what to do?

I mean, I got no problem my folks suggesting what would be a wise choice, but in the end I'm the one that will have to make a choice, also insisting on it is not helping. Even if I had a bit of intention on doing, now I don't feel like doing it at all because of them.

It was a good day until this overshadowed everything, sigh.

1 comment:

Viste said...


You should act in the way that is best for you, according to your judgment. If have an "intention" to do something, but then decide you "don't feel like doing it" because someone else has told you that you SHOULD do it, then you are not really acting independently are you? You are still responding to you environment albeit in a negative fashion instead of an obedient one, however they are still controlling your life.