Friday, April 22, 2005

Sino-Japanese bitchings, and Occasional Korean bitching too.

So I was reading BBC News article regarding the issue with China and Japan regarding the "altered" Japanese history books. Although I find it regrettable, I don't have any problems if Japan does issue whitewashed history books. Why? If Japanese people rather believe a whitewashed version of history it's their own loss. I rather learn from factual books. And this day and age people can pull out any kind of information from the net, it's not like Japan is North Korea where there is no freedom of speech, free press nor means to acquire information.

So at their comment area, it is mainly Chinese and Japanese bitching at each other. How Japan gloss over the massacre and raping, while the Japanese calls Chinese hypocritical for their atrocious human rights record. And the occasional Korean bitching at Japan, because Koreans got nothing to be bitched back by the Japanese.

I don't know how much these history books are whitewashed, never seen them, but kind of struck me one when I read the comment below.

"The problem lies in that both China and Korea demand that Japan accepts their version of events as the truth."
Hiroki, Yokosuka, Japan

Wouldn't that be same as;

"The problem lies in that Jews demand that Germany accepts their version of events as the truth."?
Some German dude, Berlin, Germany.

Granted, on this example I'm rhetorically using Germany as ignoring the Holocaust.

Well I guess the massacres and the raping never really happened. I guess history books in Brazil, US and Korea were published by the same company.

Anyways, the whole thing is just stupid, the bitching at each other thing.

Behave kids.

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