Thursday, April 21, 2005

US Department of Justice + Guisun = ?

When people deal with the same client for numerous time, people are bound to talk more than just business. This is the case with a particular client that used to work for Microsoft and moved to Alexandria for a job in US Department of Justice. One of the conversation he was asking about how was the work at my current job. Evidently, I told him I hated it. He then suggested how would I feel working for the government. At that time, I thought, well I don't even have certs, I could definitely not meet the requirements. He replied that a couple of people currently working at USDoJ does not have certs either. Then we talked at lengths about what I've done before and what kind of experience I had. He said if there are any openings available, he would let me know. Time passed, he would come by once in a while and ask tech related questions or buy something here and there.

Today he came in, not looking for tech answers or things to buy, but looking for me. He was in a hurry it seemed. He said, "Two people failed clearance check, are you in?" Well I told him I was in, but I said I probably fail too. Then he asks, "Have you been a bad boy?" I explained to him that I've been "detained" before for driving with a suspended license. He said misdemeanors doesn't count and it should not be a problem for me to get the opening. He asked me to send my resume later on at his work e-mail. Then as hastily as he came in, he left.

I'm pretty sure I will never pass clearance check, but what the heck eh? USDoJ would look nice on my resume, if I get in.

Behave kids.


Doso said...

Yeah man you should give it a try. Although you should be aware of what they want you to do, the pay and benefits etc. Because working for govt is sometimes cool but sometimes not so cool as being on your own or in private business.

Viste said...

Sound's cool man. After you get that clearance, it opens the door for you to have all kinds of government jobs. But I agree with Sodo, government jobs are comfortable, and that can be dangerous especially for Guisun!