Friday, July 01, 2005

What is music? Harmony of sounds? Or harmony of emotions?

Once again, I didn't sleep... I've been struggling quite a lot with it lately.

So I thought on downloading some "classical" tunes and I immediately though I needed some Bach. I know most people would think, that is just a bunch of BS. I'm no expert, but I've always been a closet Baroque fan. I had a friend back then, that his father was really into Baroque/Classical music, and since I was a lot at his house, I began to acquire some taste to it. There is some stigma about enjoying "classical music", many people think its for pretentious people.

One thing I would like to clear is that, when most people say "classical" music they probably are ecompassing 4 different eras; Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, and Romantic.

I would say my favorites would be Bach and Vivaldi. There is a a reason for this, both are Baroque music composers. Well ok, I guess you could put in Pachelbel on the list. Also both Pachelbel and Vivaldi influenced Bach, specially Vivaldi.

Problem is finding a specific ensemble. There are many versions of just one work. For example, I wanted BWV 1068(Bach work catalogue system), the orchestra suite in D major. I can only find it on G string, peformed, off course by Yo Yo Ma. Sigh.

Ok so forget it, I'll try to get Pachelbel''s Canon in D Major instead. I mean its a "so called" elevator music, how many variations of an elevator music can be out there? Same problem as before. I wanted it as the original with violins, not some kind of harpischord. There is even a techno remix of it, but not the the original.

So I had to content myself with Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 (
BWV 1048).

For me, Baroque music is very close to Progressive Trance music. Only difference is that, Progressive Trance music is much faster and has beats. Now check the the definition of Baroque from a dictionary.

Baroque Music. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a style of composition that flourished in Europe from about 1600 to 1750, marked by expressive dissonance and elaborate ornamentation."

It's given that progressive trance is expressive dissonant music, and the elaborate ornamentation would come from using certain sounds or deep vocals. Im pretty sure if I put some Bach to a progressive trance fan addict, they would enjoy it. I am a progressive trance fan and also a Baroque fan. I always thought Baroque as the old style of Progressive Trance.

Also Baroque was marked by it's exaggerated exuberance, drama, grandeur, and tension characteristics, and I feel them when I'm listening Baroque or Progressive Trance.

Behave kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should really try listening to Lully and or Rameau as well, and have you ever heard 'Les Elemens' by Rebel? brilliant? Anyway, as far as Bach goes, try finding the cantate 'Ich habe genug'