Friday, July 01, 2005

With all the money you spent buying cleaning stuff, you could just had paid a bum to do it for you.

Me and Karthik went to pick Alan at his place, but he had an "issue" with his windows??? He said he probably would not be able to go out because of it. Something was glued to the window, and he spent the whole day trying to get it off. What could be so important that he could not go out on his last night at DC? Well once me and Karthik gets in, his apartment is reeking paint thinner. There were some residue glue all over his windows that he needed to get out before moving out the next day. Though, I think he just wanted to stay in because he was getting high from the smell... hahah joking. But in the end we took him to Tombs.

Once we got there everyone was there, although we thought it was Carlos solito. Lenisa wasn't there but showed up later on.


Due to yesterday, I mean two days ago, I got to work four hours late. My co-workers were not too happy about it...

Since I haven't eat anything for the last 2 days (hectic schedule), I ordered Chinese for lunch. The bad thing about eating chinese for lunch break is that due to MSG you get sleepy after eating it. I almost took a nap at work. But two naps in a row at work would be really bad...

I talked on the phone with Alan before his departure, he was already at the airport. I wished him a good trip back home. I'm going to miss the guy. He is so funny. Hitting the clubs without him won't be the same anymore. Hopefully we will get to meet him in Spain. Yes it sucks when a friends leave due to the infamous "DC Cycle".

I thought I had lost my camera, but thank god I left at Misha's. I know everyone is antsy to check the photos from yesterday, so after work, I made the excruciating effort to get to DC again to get the camera back. On the way back I dropped at Lenisa to help her with her internet connection. Yes, yes, I know, I'm the "IT" guy.

So yeah, I did a lot of effort to get the photos, so you guys better enjoy it.

Dana now I remember that thing with earlobe. I remember you were trying to tell me something at a club and I kept saying "What? I can't hear you!". Then you did that earlobe thing on me and yelled at me. See, I can't hear.. I think Sodo is right when he says that I spent far too much time in close proximity to large, loud speakers in various clubs since my childhood.

Ok gym.

Behave kids.

PS: Oh yeah, I updated the photo gallery.

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