Thursday, June 23, 2005

What is love? Baby don't hurt me, no more.

Today, while having a smoke outside work, I saw and old couple holding hands. Usually I wouldn't even be paying attention and my mind would just dismiss what I had seen. But today, for some reason it got me thinking.

I'm thinking, they are probably on their late 60's or 70's and they are still together, affectionately. Maybe their lives are not as same intense flame of passion it was back in their prime, but there is something that holds them together. And of course, that is love.

These days I hardly see that anymore, maybe it was a thing of a different era. Maybe the society around us evolved into a such fast paced world, we are more into the instant gratification than actual long term results. Are we too busy persuing a career? Are we to busy to notice nice little gestures that other people do to you? Is it lust or love? What happened to old way of courtship? I think the old way was more caring, and touching. These days? You all know the drill; small talk and shove the tongue in her mouth. I mean just go out in DC, its all about meat market. Maybe people forgot what love is.

I do enjoy to go out, have drinks with my friends, and I definitely love to dance. Maybe that is why I liked the Iranian girl back then. We used to go out a lot together. We did pretty well until things went sour. Of course, there was no love in that.

I'm 27 now and I'm not getting any younger. Maybe its time for me to settle down. Maybe it's time for me to get serious about life. And I'm pretty sure my mother is eager to have grandkids.

So next weekend, I'll do what I must. I will go out, drink a pint of vodka, and forget what I just said. HAHA

I'll just enjoy life, and go as it takes me. If life shapes my path so I have to be more mature and serious I will, if life wants me to settle down I will, but I will not set a definite destination. I will unfurl the sails and let it take me whereever it takes me.

Work was bomb. God I hate that place. People are so lazy there. Ok I'm lazy too, but if everyone is lazy nothing gets done, and since I already called the dibs on being the "lazy guy", other can't be lazy. I stayed past my schedule time, doing other peoples work. Because since I work till closing, so those that work the earlier shift, can just say, "Hey dude my schedule to leave now but I can't finish this so I'm going to ask you to do it." It like hot potato game, drop the hot potato on someone hands and take off. And if you don't do it, we get screwed.

My ex boss might be working for T-Mobile, and he said if he gets hired, he will hire me. That is, when I come back from Brazil, and I still haven't sent out any resumes... I definitely want to leave the current hell hole. He said, if I work hard there, I could make about 60k, which is not bad. The work place is by Friendship Heights metro. That is a good spot, because, you know me, I always have car issues, so this way I can use the metro. Plus on the way back to work I can drop by DC to meet up with friends. And it has normal hours!

I hope he gets this job, not because of me but he is a great guy, and he suffered too much at where I currently work.

Here is something I snatched of Steve's blog. It's beautiful. Supposedly its was from an exhibit from St. Louis Art Museum (I've been there, and enjoyed throughly.)

"You communicate with me, I'll listen to you
He communicates with her, she listens to him
They communicate with him, he listens to them
I communicate with them, they listen to me
She communicates with you, you listen to her
We communicate with them, they listen to us
They communicate with them, they listen to them
I communicate with you, you listen to me

You worship me, I'll worship you..."

Ok time to lose those calories. Gym time.

Behave kids

PS: It seems like I don't look as young as I thought. I always thought I looked really young. I mean I still get carded when buying cigs.

1 comment:

Viste said...

Thanks for the reference. It made my heart beat.