Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Due to my nap during the day, yesterday, I have screwed up my sleep pattern for the week. Around 4AM in the morning today, I hit gym, since I couldn't sleep anyways.
I did 20 minutes of cardio followed by 5 sets of 13 for 2 muscle groups. Now if you read Dana's blog she says if you work out over 500 calories, then your body starts to want more food. Now I don't know how this works for me because when I lift a lot of weight, I get famished. Not only me but, a lot of people that lifts weight get really hungry. I don't know if its the weight lifting plus cardio that is kicked my calories loss count over 500 or it's just weight lifting. But lately I'm really motivated about losing weight, so I've been very controlling about eating too much. No, that's BS. I'm just too lazy to cook... I think it's good for me not to buy ready to eat food, because if I want to eat, then I have to work for it. And starving always win! Those chicken? Yes, its all marinated but I haven't cooked them yet...

Well I'm at work, so I better get back to it, yeah?

Behave kids.

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