Wednesday, June 01, 2005


I'm still sick, though not as sick as couple of days ago. I ended up not going to church that day. Hey, I know God is understanding that I get sick from time to time.

I took a sick day of Monday, because there was no way I could work that day. I worked on Tuesday though, feeling much better.

Lately my thoughts were in that; I need to spend more time with my friends. I used to have a much more active role. Now I'm a hermit living in a cave. I'm married to the job, yada yada yada. For example, Alan is leaving soon, and I hardly seen the guy in the last what? Five to six months? Misha? Hell, we used to hangout every weekend, and that hardly happens anymore. I don't even know what is going on with his life except those rare occassions when I meet him.

Granted, I'm busier now, yet they manage to get free time, and somehow I can't.

Need to change work soon...

Check out Ellie's and Steve's blog. Funny how both has wedding pictures.

Behave kids.

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