Sunday, May 29, 2005

I'm sick

So I felt like shit the whole day. Although the weather is nice, I have a cold or something. So instead of staying home, I thought, chilled Grey Goose and a can of Red Bull, night out in town or even some R&R would cure all my ailments. Well now I feel even worse. I don't think I can make it to the church today. I'm utterly destroyed.

The night? Well had drinks at Misha's, then me, Misha and Alan hit the "joint" Misha suggested. The place reeks crabs. Also it was kind of dead. I thought, well it's late we have to make a decision of either staying here, or going someplace else. They decided to stay, since it was so close to Misha's place.

You know what, girls should put a "I'm single" tag when they go out, cause sometimes, I just waste my time. And what a waste of time it was. I don't freaking want to know if you are from NYC, where you graduated, you have 2 dogs, you prefer MD over VA, you are going for law school, and all that crap. I don't care. Specially listening to all that yada yada, you have a boyfriend? WTF?? What happened to just getting into your pants? Just like that, plain and simple.

Well CHURCH if I can make it, behave kids.

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