Friday, May 20, 2005

Sick day.

So today, or yesterday, I didn't go to work. I just wasn't feeling good in the morning. Called the boss and asked for the day off, which he was cool. I didn't go to the church thing either, though my co-worker thought I was bullshitting in order to miss the church thing. Though don't blame him, because I joked about missing work because I had a friend in town (Dana). On pure coincidence, I miss work the day I said I would miss on the joke. Though, no, I didn't skip church or work because I went out with a friend. Dana was supposed to e-mail me but no e-mail or call since Wednesday morning to set something up. So yeah, let me reaffirm that I didn't skip work and church because I didn't go out or anything like that. There was nothing planned to do.

As you can see my sleep pattern is screwed up now. But when you don't feel well, your sleep ALWAYS get screwed.

So my day was a bunch of ... nothing.

Behave kids.
PS: Couple of pictures I've been working on. All three were edit with a different background.

2 Layers.

2 Layers.

3 Layers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sung, I think you have phenomenal editing techniqes. I think if you just go with what you feel when you edit you will come out with the best picture you can. Nathaniel from work............