Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My mind is blank.

Misha I wish you have a good trip, I will see on next week when you get back.

So my coworker and his wife want to try Brazilian cuisine, so I thought an authentic experience would be a churrascaria. The options are Malibu Grill and Greenfield. Greenfield's food tastes better but it's in frecking Rockville, while Malibu Grill is in Falls Church and its cheaper too. So I guess we will be going there instead, as soon as we set a time.

Yesterday I got a Sony remote controller for my computer, so when I'm watching DVD or listening to music, I can use this DVD style remote for menu, play, pause, volume, etc... It's the ultimate bum's tool.

I said I would post some sample pictures, well instead I will post a picture I worked on today. It's on my photoblog as well.

Ellie I'm still waiting on the photos! Send them to my gmail.

Behave kids.
PS: I decied to edit more, though I don't know if the second actually improved over the first one.

Theodosia, September 2004

Theodosia, September 2004

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