Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Can you read?

God how retarded, so I sent the e-mail to my "prospective" boss to two separate accounts, and.... I forgot to attach the resume with the e-mails.

I got home really late today from work, because this Indian woman, which, although had some accent, but perfect English, could not understand why her warranty would not be honored.

She YANKED the video cable while the fastening screws were still attached to the socket. You know how much strenght you have to put to yank the video cable? To a point where the whole video socket got yanked from the motherboard(integrated video/motherboard)? Hello! If something is not unplugging, you don't fucking put a lot of strenght and yank the shit out, specially from a sensitive device like a computer. The whole got damn socket was destroyed.

So anyways she said that the computer is damaged, yeah no shit, I can see that. The thing is destroyed it's hard to miss. So I explained to her that the warranty doesn't cover that kind of damage, it cover parts failure. Not retarded customer physical abuse type of damage. There is a difference between limited warranty and insurance. She claims that when she bought the extended warranty, she was told it covers everything. Yes it covers all components of the computer, but from failure, not physical damage by customer. I mean if it covered what she did to the computer, fuck, warranty companies would go bankrupt. Everytime they would want a new computer all they would have to do is purposedly spill water on the computer, or drop off a moving car, or set it on fire, and claim it was accidental. This is warranty not fucken insurance. For insurance you go to a insurance company. Plus insurance charges you monthly, extended warranty is a one time pay deal, unless you want to extend the extended warranty. Then they go say about how much they spent on they computer and stuff. Well buddy, your crappy $1500 would never add up to how much I spent on my computer, on freaking slave pay, so don't bitch.
So she says misrepresentation, oh gawd, she just won't face it, SHE FUCKED up her computer and she won't take responsiblity for her actions. I had to let the GM handle it.

I just find ironic, that when they fuck up their shit on their own sheer stupidity, they get mad at us for not honoring the warranty. Yet they get mad at us at our own accidental mishaps. It's a lose lose situation for us.

So the model my boss got to pose for me, well got fired even before I could work on her. Oh well, gonna have to do another "Model Search America". lol.

Behave kids.

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