Sunday, April 10, 2005


My car is still broke, so I wasn't able to go out this weekend. Although that was somewhat painful, it wasn't actually as bad as I thought it would have been. The only thing that was certainly annoying as hell this weekend, was a work mandatory meeting 8:30AM on a Sunday. Meeting started 8:30AM and ended at 11:30AM. So half of my Sunday was wasted on this, on my day off. If I had gone out Saturday night I would definately not been able to get to the meeting. But this time I had to show up, because I missed the other mandatory meeting. Why do they have to have these mandatory meeting on Sundays? My days off is Tuesday and Sunday, so if they decide to do mandatory meetings on Sunday they are effectively giving me just one day off. And working through the week, and then working through the weekend just plain sucks.

They have a new pay structure, which of course, screwed me up, I make less now, although they increased the base rate. It just find it too funny that the way they "marketed" this to me as a fairer pay structure where I get paid more. Right, if they increase my base rate, and cut other bonuses equals higher pay? How do they expect me to believe this? My paycheck is smaller, so how is this a better pay structure? I need to get out of this fast. This company just wants to squeeze the most out of their employees. They want knowledgeable staff yet they don't really don't give enough incentives to keep them in the company.

I want a custhy job like Sodo's! Show up 4 hours late, reeking alcohol from previous night. Or just be simply able to miss work because I felt too lazy to go in today. That is just fabulous. hahaha.

Behave kids.

1 comment:

Doso said...

Yeah right dude! I don't do that anymore. I started today by the way and we have 358 branches (ie petrol stations) throughout the whole country! Man that is a lot of work...