Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Chill dawg.

So Tuesday is gone, and I have to work tomorrow, yet I'm fine because I actually got to rest. I woke up late, and watched a couple of movies. Alfie and Ocean's 12 which were very entertaining. I also bought myself a tripod for my camera, those cheap ones, but it should be allright. I wish I could go to DC and take pictures of cherry blossoms, but I'm still car less so I can't do that. I can't wait to have my car fixed to I can be mobile again. I also got to talk to a couple of friend over MSN, something that doesn't happen to often, because no one really logs on anymore.

There is an interesting article about chocolates on Deutsch-Welle, here is the linky.

I also found a picture of this dog on the net, and I couldn't stop thinking if I ever had a dog, would it be this chill? Like "Gui chill"?

Behave kids.


1 comment:

Doso said...

Yeah if you had a dog, I think it will be just as chill (provided you choose the puppy yourself). I think dogs really do tend to resemble their owners so your dog would be a chill dog and maybe will grow some dreadlocks lol