Friday, April 08, 2005

Social paranoia.

The week has been busy, and work more stressful then ever. Of course I do get a couple of chuckles at work, but not enough. Then I also get the complimentary nagging from my GM. No matter though, since I'm not planning to stay too long there. I think my threshold there is about 6 months. I mean last time that is about how long I lasted. Nearing that 6th month I was burnt out. There was just too much stress for such low pay. So in a couple of months, I will be nearing my 6th month again, so I'm sure I will be quitting. I just have to get my resume working though. I've been procrastinating about my resume for months already, and soon I will be missing my windows of opportunity. So I need to move my ass and have that worked out.

There are lots of changes coming to everyone in the coming months, in many levels. Myself, my changes are not as bold as the changes my friends will be going too. My changes are almost mundane, but changes nonetheless. And changes are good. So although Misha insist that me getting certs are wasted of time, I will still do it. Why? Well, why not? They will be free, and it's not like I will have to take class or study a lot. Maybe I will just have to gloss over a book. Couple of certs under my belt wouldn't hurt. Then I have to repair my car and move out. I quite excited about that. I always liked the friend/roommate environment. I guess maybe that is why I was always honorary roommate on my friends' home. I talked to Steve about this, and we both agree that even regarding my relationship with my brother, it might improve once I move out.

Let see what else is going on...
I've been thinking a lot about the social rituals/pattern we go through with our friends. I will mainly talking about hurting a friend, due to my past weekend, but that is not the focus point. What I've been thinking is more general and what I'm about to say is just is one of the factors.

To my perception there are three types of pain/hurt induced by friends.

1) There are those that will willfully cause controlled pain in order to "test the water" or to try to force a friend to choose a certain path. This can be annoying, but it's not that bad. Imagine when you know they are not listening to you, so you willfully cause them a pain, so they "learn".

2) There those that will counter with "measured responses". Granted, it only occurs when you willingly or unwillingly cause some kind of hurt to them. This can be the most frustrating, as you don't know where you stand. Their response will seem nonchalant. As you try to rectify you errors, you are yearning for their feedback so you can make things right, yet you only get measured responses back from them. In the end this is kind of response will only distance them apart

3) Then there are those are blunt, those one that are emotional and will let it out with a vengeance when you do something wrong.
Although this might seems unstable, there is a lot of stability to that. There is no constant fine act balancing with this. The reaction is pretty straight forward. You do something bad, you will get their wrath, yet at least you get a clear sound idea of what you've done wrong and rectify or learn. Although I do believe that friend should be considerate with each other, the "fine balance" act seems like a fake sentiment. I prefer my friends to be emotional, so I know they care.

What else?

Yesterday I missed Karthik farewell gathering, as I was broke and was car less. Though I was supposed to sign my tax return at Misha's, he could not answer my call because he was at Tombs with them. So Misha will sign it for me.

Dana's dream seems horrific. I hope she feels better.

I read Viste's blog, and he mentions about how some people have contempt or scoff at the idea of blogging. Now I could understand people that just don't give a rat's ass about blogging, but contempt or scoff? Usually those are the same people that are so afraid of social faux pas, because it's not mainstream yet. It still somewhat of a "geek" tool. Or those same people that kept saying online dating or speed dating are for losers. Now it's much more acceptable so it's "ok". That is pretty sad if you ask me. To afraid of what other might think? Can't do it unless it's socially acceptable? Forget the
mainstream and experience new things, be it bad or good.

I've started compiling a new Armin van Buuren CD. His last set had many "noveaux" classics, which I off course, I have all the tracks.

Behave kids.

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