Saturday, September 04, 2010

Adult section gone on Craigslist

So I was checking Craigslist for good deals on stuff, like cars or cell phone, electronics, etc... But I noticed a CENSORED where the Adult section used to be.

Oh what will I do now when I'm on business travel, alone at the hotel???

I joke :P

So I decided to investigated what this was about. It seems like some activist/attorney (Norma Ramos) and her group Coalition Against Trafficking in Women were putting pressure to have it shut down. They got 17 state attorneys general to sign a letter telling Craigslist to shut it down.

I also heard the recorded debate on radio with Craigslist CEO, Norma Ramos, legal experts, etc... You can clearly notice that she never address any of the arguments brought forth to her, she just keep pushing her talking point. Even when asked to disclose the source of her numbers she still keeps pushing her talking points. Now for an attorney, which should be very comfortable with providing evidence, she clearly has a problem. Maybe she went to law school and passed the bar, but damn, she must really suck as a lawyer. Plus, in my opinions, judges and lawyers should never be activists. The law needs to be impartial, equal, and out from external influences. Being an activist means you have an agenda, sometimes its good, sometimes its bad, and often times misplaced beliefs. Yet, even if good and right, its not for the activists to decide what is right or wrong.
Even the 17 state attorneys that signed the letter, did not go as far to take Craigslist to court, why? Because they have no legal grounds to stand on. Based on that, she should know as an attorney that her opinion has no merit. Her organization was founded by activist from Women Against Pornography, which obviously is more of a puritan/decency motivation than human trafficking. She claims that the "Swedish model" is an example of success because it now law in Sweden. Well yes any fricking lobbying group successfully pushing and agenda and having it turn to law is successful? Well yes, success to you, but not a success to ending women trafficking. There is no evidence of her claims. While she disparage Netherlands legalization as abhorrent and a failure. Yet there are evidence that the legalization of prostitution in Netherlands works.
First of all her motives are wrong. She is a feminist that hates prostitution because its goes against her morals/principals. She completely disregard that, yes, some women choose to be prostitutes out of their own choice. She claims because they need money it affect their judgement. Of course it does, but at what point is it considered ok for her to be free from influence of money? She makes that call? If a woman make 150k a year and wants to compliment another 150k year prostituting herself, is that an exploitation because her financial "difficulties" forces her to prostitute herself? An no, there are women that works in the sex industry because they like sex, yes probably a very minority but they do exist. Of course Norma dismisses that only 1% of the sex workers, yet when asked for evidence of that number, she presents none. She even goes further to say that, policy cannot be created based on minority but on majority. So yeah, fuck the transgenders, fuck the blacks, fuck the Asians, etc... Her argument has no merit. In a republic, the laws are supposed to protect the minorities against the majority. Obviously, Norma being an attorney, she should know this...
Her ideals are unrealistic because we don't live in an Utopia. Even if we had the most oppressive state control, there will still be crimes. Then why even have an ideal that doesn't fucking work? I mean socialism sounds nice on paper, and it works in theory to create an Utopia, but everyone fucking knows full socialism text book style doesn't fucking work.

She is the shinning fucking example why fucking degrees, these days don't mean shit. Too much fucking theory, but not enough experience to back it up.

I'm not saying degree are not important, but people put too much importance on in.

In summary, she is a feminazi (not a real feminist looking for gender equality), an attorney that obviously doesn't understand her field, and well simply dumb.

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