Monday, July 11, 2005

Empty temple.

Well crap, I couldn't sleep again, so I spend the night researching religions (Something that I've been studying/researching lately).

Although there are many religions out there, I just want to focus on the "Abrahamic" ones. Because it essence, the three main religions(Judaism, Christianity, Islam) roots back to the same God.

Christianity is the one that has the most denominations within it's ranks that it's just ridiculous. Although at first it was just Roman, and and then Orthodox, due to Protestantism, there are way too many deniminations in play. But it doesn't stop there, within the Protestantism, there are the Reformed churches.

Granted, its not just Christianity has different denominations, Judaism and Islam also has their own detracting divides.

My point is that be it Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, Karaite Judaism, Orthodox Judaism, Sunni Islam, Shiite Islam and so many forths, were rooted in different interpretations of the "holy book", be it the Quran, or Torah, or the Bible. At the Abrahamic stages, their story were the same.

So this monotheistic religion splits in 3 factions. Withing these 3 they splits in MANY more. Isn't there something fundamentaly wrong with this picture? We are supposedly the "children" of God, yet we created these divides amongest our own "brothers" because of the way we "see" our "father". I don't really think if I was a father, I would like to see my kids divided, but rather, united. This only goes to show me how religion is just a veil of bias and bigotry created by men. I don't believe that this division among men are a natural occurance or wish from God. How can men write scriptures and claim them to be word of God? Like I said ealier, even if they were words from God, the instance it goes through men, it's tainted by our own impurites. And probably we would just not have the intellect to comprehend his will.

Churches are just a convention of rituals cleverly adapted for their own needs. These rituals, although sometimes assimilate some rituals from the Old Testament, they are still rituals created by men. I see these as barriers for someone to be with God, restrictions put by men. Wouldn't that be somewhat a sin?

People don't need churches, nor Sunday rituals, nor dialuted and modified holy books, nor restrictive detractions when they persue the acceptance in God. Their body is the temple, and their acceptance of holy spirit is their ticket back towards their "father".

Further I get into my research, it seems, even if there was a connection between us and God, it has been severed by men's bias and bigotry. I lose my faith with each passing day as I dwelve more into researching religion and the occurance of daily injustices and suffering amongst men.

Soon enough, the holy spirit will have left my temple, and have left nothing but broken promises.

1 comment:

Viste said...

Dude, one of my problems with organized religions is that we, as individuals, should have the courage to discuss religion among ourselves, of our own initiative. Instead, people get lazy and rely upon established rituals. The problem with established rituals is that "one size does not fit all" each person has his own personal reflection of divinity.