Thursday, May 19, 2005

Work is killing me.

So yesterday I took the metro to DC to meet up with everyone at Brickskeller for Alan's birthday. I was somewhat confused at first because this is my first time taking the metro. Though I did manage to get to the destination without getting lost.

The meet up was not hectic but a chill fun. Something I haven't done it a while. Happy birthday Alan! So it was me, Karthik, Carlos, Misha, Dana, and Alan. Then after it I had to crash at Misha, because there was no more metro. Though I went to DC already planning to crash there. So late morning, Dana got one of those Zipcars and dropped me off back at home. Thanks Dana.

Having had a nice night, I was in a good mood, until I hit work. Everything turned out to be an issue requiring management. It was a busy day too, too fucking hectic. Basically I was working non-stop without a breather from 4PM till 10:20PM. I only got home 10:30PM. I'm busy, and the freaking database wouldn't fucken work, lazy people would hand me in paper with all the wrong info. I'm busy, I don't have time for this shit.

Anyways I get home and of course I do something that soothes me, photo editing! heheh. So I've been working on this picture from yesterday. So I came out with three version, but I'm having a hard to deciding which one is the best one so I can put it on my photoblog.

Behave kids.

On the good news is that my boss will get a personal interview prospective job and will probably be leaving this hellhole. I hope everything goes well to him. He deserves something better than the crap he gets here.

Washington DC, May 2005



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the middle picture has more dominence, however the first picture captures the character of both but more in the last.