Monday, May 09, 2005


Before I start posting about the day, I was reading a debate between two guys; one was Aussie and one was American. I had a good laugh.
Aussie: "I always laugh at what you can't do in the USA because of wierd laws designed to protect you from yourself, compared to what we can do here in Oz.

I remember back in about '76 or '77 when we had full frontal female nudity on prime time free to air network TV. Yet in the US you made so much hoopla out of Janet Jackson's tit that it seemed like you thought it was the end of the world.

And before you write me off as some whinging foreigner, I spend a lot of time in the US and am getting married there in August. I know that individually you can be nice people, but collectively .. that leaves a lot to be debated.

American: " Well that is because your chick with the full frontal was probably hot.
While Janet is a shriveled up 50+ year old hag. That was eye ball peelingly scary."

Today was, er yesterday, was a beautiful Sunday. Fitting for mother's day. It was really sunny to a point that when I got back home, I noticed that my arms were red from sunburn.

After a nice day out, I decided to do some photoshop editing again, this time with Ellie's photo. I swear, she gets prettier each passing day. You know, you think age, but no, not in her case. Anyways the picture I had was very small, so I could not make anything high resolution. So I made three different ones, though I don't know which is better. Any comment?

Behave kids.

Black and white



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