Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Bigger is better?

So work was hectic as I was working solo. While busy, I'm paged, ok, I'm busy. I get paged again! Whe the fuck, I'm busy!@#! I can understand everyone is busy, but paging me when I'm busy doesn't make me less busy.

Last Saturday was my Indian co-worker Abhilash's last day of work at the dreaded hell hole(Fuck no one to make gay jokes to, he is not gay, though he was chosen as THE "gay joke recipient guy"). He is leaving for greener pastures, and he can finally yell "FREEDOM!" He will be a normal person with normal schedule, you know work from Monday through Friday and have Saturday and Sunday off. Plus his pay is much better. Although it was is departure, he paid lunch to the whole dept. Because we were all broke working at this sweatshop. So he said he will try to hook me up with a position there, if he can. Today he called me and told me that in a 2-3 months there will be a position available, and he already sent a word for me, with my requested pay and stuff. Of course he said he can't make guarantee's but well it's a nice gesture. He said it looks bright. Well if it happens, good, if not, that's ok too. This would be perfect because then I get to quit, before going to Brazil, and instead of staying there for two weeks, I could stay for a month, and when I come back, I would start at the new job. Sweet! Anyways dude thanks, even if it doesn't work out.

So I'm working on photos again, I guess it's becoming my major hobby/obsession as of late. Worked on a tiny picture from Ellie.
Tiny picture is the evil of photo editing... Can't have enough pixel/definition to work with. Any minor error turns into shape/line altering errors. If trying to extrapolate, the photo will look bigger but pixalated. Just can't win... I need bigger photos, BIGGER PHOTOS! Original was 640x480....

I decided to do some self portrait work as well. I mean when do you see a photo of the photographer? Rarely.

Behave kids.

Tiny picture

Too small...

Nice, but minuscule.

Self 1

Self 2

Self 3

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