Sunday, January 23, 2005

Snow storm screws up evening plans! Suprises on Orkut.

I guess everyone wanted to stay indoors due to the snow storm. Misha went to a symphony, which I could not go with him, because I had told James I would go with him to Fur. But due to inclement weather it was rescheduled. Suprise surprise!. It worked out for the best though, because I feel kind of drained from Friday night and work has just been stressful, so I really needed the rest. So other than us, everyone else really wanted to stay indoors.

Today I feel really rested and energized, stress free too. As long as I don't think too much about my finances, heheh. Today I will spend most of the day at gym, since Dana is almost my weight, I can't let someone taller then me weight same as me. I don't know it just doesn't sound right. I have to lose 10 pounds to match her weight. hahaha.

Today checking at Orkut, I got a new "message" and it was from Joana, one of my best friend's sister. Like I said many times, Orkut gives me these little suprises from people I haven't seen in a long while. Kind of funny that, all my friends had older sisters only, and since I was always at my friend's, some of them actually acted like an older sister towards me.

Anyways it was quite nice to wake up and see a message from someone I haven't seen in a long while! :) I miss her dearly.

Joana's message on Orkut.

PS: I wish DC would get a sustainable snow fall so people can actually go skiing.

1 comment:

Dana Maldonado said...

Dear Sungi,

I will call you at your home number, but I am going to remove your comment so no psycho calls you. I miss you lots . . ..

I agree with you about skiing, I wish that DC had some awesome mountains that were skiable near it. I went to Virginia once to ski with Daniel, and it was stupid.

you made me laugh os much with your entry about pretending you were out of contorl with your car. Why are you just so classic??